Emmanuel Baptist Church

Invites You to Follow Jesus

We make disciples of Jesus.

We believe the gospel of Jesus Christ. He died for our sins, was buried, and rose again the third day according to the scriptures. God has exalted Him as Lord of heaven and earth. He commands you to repent and believe the gospel. He offers to forgive your sins and give you eternal life. He is coming back to set up His kingdom.

We have received Christ Jesus the Lord. We follow Jesus. We want to help you find and follow Him, too.

Emmanuel Baptist Church

Learn about our beliefs, mission, and more.

Invest in His Kingdom

Give freely by investing into real people, real life change, and a real movement that has eternal dividends.

Visit the

little patch

of Heaven

at 3911.


3911 Sharpsburg McCollum Rd.
Newnan, GA 30265

Sundays 9:45 AM— 11 AM — 5 PM

Wednesdays 7 PM

Phone (770) 304-2659