We Invite You to
Follow Jesus
Who is Jesus?
We believe He is God’s Son. He lived a perfect life. He never spoke an unkind word. He never committed an evil act. He never thought an impure thought. He lived the life we could never live. Eventually, He died the death we all deserve to die. See, the God who created us is loving and good. He created mankind in His image for an incredible purpose: to rule earth and know Him. However, man rebelled against God, fell into sin, and has been plagued by sin and death ever since. That’s where Jesus comes in. The story of the Bible is one big story of God’s plan to rescue sinful mankind through the life, death, and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. He died for your sins, was buried, and rose again the third day according to the scriptures. He is calling all people back to Himself. He will return to earth, establish His kingdom, and restore His holy people to rule a renewed earth with Him forever.
So what?
God has appointed Jesus Christ as the Judge of every person. One day, He will judge the entire world, including you. He commands you to repent — turn from your sins, turn from the philosophies and religions of man — and believe the gospel of Jesus Christ. If you will confess that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart God raised Him from the dead, He will rescue you from your sin and eternal damnation in Hell. Call upon His name. He will forgive you, adopt you as His child, and give you new life that lasts forever.
If you believe…
You do not have to figure out this new life on your own. Jesus commands His churches to baptize new believers. Baptism publicly demonstrates your faith in Jesus and identifies you with Him and His people. Once you are baptized, you are ready to move forward — one step at a time — in this new life with Jesus and His church. We love you and will help you learn how to obey Jesus’ commands.
What’s your next step?
Be our guest at any scheduled gathering: Sundays at 9:45 am, 11 am, and 5 pm; Wednesday at 7 pm.
Ask us about a 6 week, personal, no pressure course called Christianity Explained. We would be happy to help you understand who Jesus is.
You may understand the gospel of Jesus Christ and have already repented and believed on Him. We rejoice with you in this decision!
Go public with your faith in Christ by being baptized. Speak with our leadership about being baptized.
The best way for a new Christian to grow in their new life is to be around other Christians. We encourage you to gather regularly with the church, get connected with a disciple fellowship (small group), and immerse yourself in the Bible with other Christians.
We have weekly youth group meetings as well as monthly men and ladies’ meetings. The best way to grow as a new Christian is to gather with other Christians.